A Worry-Free Process of Installing Your New Driveway
Having your driveway replaced with a new concrete driveway should be a worry-free process. This is an exciting time and a well-deserved investment to add beauty to your home. To ensure the concrete installation process goes smoothly, consider these three suggestions:
Move your vehicles out of the garage and off the driveway.
Some planning needs to be done involving your vehicles because they need to be out of the way for us to complete your driveway. You will need to keep all vehicles off the new driveway for seven days after the final pour. If you have a vehicle in your garage that gets used sometimes, chances are you will need it during that week so we advise getting that vehicle out as well. Also, your new driveway buts right up to your concrete garage floor. Having the door open while we pour and finish gives us access to create a nice edge on the new driveway.
Mow your grass, turn the sprinklers off, and blow leaves away.
We recommend mowing your grass two days prior to the start of your driveway replacement because grass clippings should stay off the new concrete for the seven days required for it to cure properly. Also, you do not want to drive your lawn mower on the driveway for at least three days after the final pour. Sprinklers should be turned off because we do not want the sub-grade saturated before the pour and we do not want the concrete wet in non-uniform locations which leads to discoloration.
If you are looking for a new concrete driveway service in North Charleston, SC, then you should call CMJ Concrete Contractors. We will ensure that you get the concrete driveway you need. If you want to know more about what we do, just give us a call at (854) 204-4051. We would be happy to assist you.